Another April Fools Prank
About four months ago the first view CO2 data was released from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory covering October to November and the blogs of science denial went mad.
From Bishop Hill
Large values, in yellow and red, are a signature of source regions. Notice, they are not found in the industrialised centres - the Ohio river valley of the US, or western Europe or even China. Rather, they appear in the Amazon basin, tropical Africa and South East Asia. Those regions have little human population, let alone industrialisation
Haha, that's some pretty widespread "agricultural burning". You'd think someone might have noticed.

Willard Tony excelled,
NASA’s new Orbiting Carbon Observatory shows potential tectonically-induced CO2 input from the ocean?
The OCO-2 team has now established a site for data release and shown a few products including the Nov 21 to December 29 measurements